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Weight Loss Diets
Weight loss can be done by burning fats, diet and by exercise. Weight loss can
happen voluntarily and involuntarily. Voluntary weight loss means the loss of
body fats while involuntary weight loss may be due to some illness or due to
some exhausting physical activity.
What are the weight loss diets?
Weight loss diet does not mean starving yourself. Your diet should contain all
essential nutrients like the proteins, vitamins and minerals which are necessary
for growing and replacing damaged cells and tissues. So your weight loss diet
should contain all these essential nutrients. A balanced weight loss diet is the
diet, which contains all essential nutrients to stay healthy.
The diet you eat each day should give you adequate energy that is needed by the
body. However, if you eat excess food than required by the body, it will be
stored in the body as fat and you will gain weight. The quantity of energy
required differs from person to person based on the physical activity of each
Even though you are on diet for losing weight you should make sure that you eat
a well balanced diet. A balanced diet can make you to live a long healthier life
and also aids to keep diseases at bay. Thus you should eat healthy to live
healthy. Doctors suggest that your diet should have food in the right quantity
and of the right quality.
What are the advantages of weight loss diet?
You can lose weight in a natural way by following a weight loss diet. A diet
that contains fresh vegetable and fruits provides you nutrients such as
vitamins, minerals etc. Moreover, they also play the role of an excellent
antioxidant. These anti oxidants help you to be healthy and younger. You can
avoid obesity by following proper weight loss diet foods which has the right
amount of nutrients. Weight loss diet creates the correct synergy between your
body and your mind.
What are the tips for successful dieting?
The tips for successful dieting are as follows.
Prior to starting any diet, you should consult your doctor.
You should modify your eating behavior
Apart from dieting you should follow a good exercise.
You should check your weight at least once a week
You should get yourself educated about food.
You can create a list of low calorie items. It will be useful while shopping.
Your eating binge can be dictated by your emotions. So you should handle
emotions accordingly.
You should overcome your urge to eat.
When you feel the appetite is satisfied then you should discontinue eating.
While eating in social occasions you can eat slowly and stop when you feel you
have had enough. By doing so you may not offend other persons.
You should avoid eating as soon as you reach home from office. You should change
your routine accordingly.
You should avoid eating more than four meals a day.
You should not eat snacks and other junk foods.
You should avoid eating after 7pm.
You should not watch TV when you are eating
You must not over eat.
You should keep yourself engaged all the time. Avoid being idled.
You should eat slowly
You should not be awake at late night when you are dieting.
You can reduce consumption of starches, fat and sugar.
Consume cheese, vegetables and fish in increased amount.
You must drink a lot of water.
You can eat more quantity of grape fruit.
You can Avoid salt and consume low calorie foods like tomatoes, chives garlic,
spices, onions, peppers, mushrooms, herbs, lemon juice and vinegar.
You can drink skimmed milk before sleeping. Reduce Your
Weight through Yoga Postures
What are the Causes of Unintentional Weight Loss?
You can intentionally reduce your weight through dieting and exercise. But
sometimes you may lose your weight unintentionally due to some reasons. Weight
loss occurs as a result of decrease in fat, body muscle mass or fluid. A
decrease in body fluid is mainly due to certain medications, lack of fluid
intake and loss of fluid or illnesses such as diabetes. Unintentional weight
loss is often a result of illness and should be evaluated by a healthcare
professional. Weight loss also occurs due to under eating, eating disorders, and
severe metabolic conditions including diabetes. Weight loss without any specific
reasons need prompt professional medical advice for diagnosis and treatment.
What are the causes of unintentional weight loss?
Some of the possible causes of weight loss include the following medical
conditions. There are also other possible causes for weight loss. So it is
better to ask your doctor about your symptoms.
Some of the simple reasons that cause weight loss include:
Alcohol abuse
Athletic training
Certain medications
Drug abuse and smoking
Denture difficulties
Eating disorder
Increase in exercise or exertion
Loss of appetite
Poor diet
Psychological Causes for Weight Loss
Anorexia nervosa or bulimia
Manipulative behavior
Stressful life events
Social isolation
Diseases Causing Weight Loss
The causes of unintentional weight loss are varied. Weight loss is not a
specific symptom. However, an acute weight loss may be a symptom of some serious
disease. Some of the major causes that lead to weight loss are as follows
Diet Changes
Lack of nutrients causes weight loss. Try to choose those foods which are rich
in nutrients. Skipping your meals, eating fast and less fatty foods may also
leads to unexpected weight loss. A hectic schedule may cause you to drop your
Certain antidepressants and other medications may also cause weight loss.
Factors such as dental problems make it difficult for you to eat. Some
neuromuscular problems can weaken the throat muscles, which makes it difficult
for you to swallow your food.
Avoid eating more and try to lose your weight when you're feeling queasy. Many
conditions can induce nausea. Bacterial and viral infections, various digestive
disorders and hormonal changes can cause nausea.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are the most common inflammatory bowel
disease. These diseases are often painful which leads to chronic inflammation of
the digestive tract, which prevent your digestion and eating.
Low Blood Supply to the Bowel Weight Loss Supplements
If there is low blood flow to your small intestine or colon, a disease called
intestinal ischemia will be developed. The major symptom of this disease is
unintentional weight loss. Stomach ulcer, inflammatory bowel disease and chronic
digestive infection can make you to get unintentional weight loss.
Pancreatitis is a condition in which digestive enzymes attack the pancreas
rather than break down food in the small intestine. Chronic pancreatitis may
cause weight loss, even when your appetite and eating habits are normal.
Diabetes may cause weight loss by the way your body utilizes blood sugar. Even
though you eat more than usual, you may lose weight if your muscle tissues don't
get enough glucose to generate growth and energy. This is especially true in the
case of type 1 diabetes.
The thyroid hormones regulate every aspect of your metabolism. When your thyroid
gland produces excess thyroxine, you may develop hyperthyroidism. This leads to
sudden weight loss.
Most of the cancers cause unintentional weight loss, including cancers of the
gallbladder, stomach and pancreas. Cancer treatment may also have the same
When do you need to consult your doctor?
If you're losing weight and you're not sure about the reason or info on
Unintentional Weight Loss consult your doctor
especially if you lose more than 5 percent of your weight within a short period
of time. Your doctor will find out the cause of your weight loss and also
suggest the best way to treat the problem.

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