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Weight Loss Supplements
A weight loss supplement is a billion dollar marketing business in United
States. Supplements are generally known as 'fat burners’ as they work by
increasing your body's metabolism. Around 125 weight loss supplements available
on the market today. Are they really helping you to reduce your weight? Just a
glass of supplement can burn all your food? You should know the real effect of
the supplements properly.
Why are the supplements popular in the market today?
Supplements have become very popular by the way they are advertised. Walking,
exercise, fitness programs and yoga requires some type of effort from you. You
also need to follow certain type of diet to reduce your weight. But, you may
feel free and very happy if some one says you can reduce your weight like a
magic without doing all these kinds of job! Supplements are very comfortable as
you can just drink or take few pills and reduce your weight. But the question
is, do supplements work? Are they really effective?
Are supplements safe?
You need to know the answer before you take one. People are interested to reduce
their weight in a very short cut, without following diet plans and regular
exercises. The sales of the supplements become quite good due to this attitude.
The lifestyle modifications are the essential need to reduce your weight in a
safe way for Obesity
Weight loss supplements are available in the form of pills, herbs or medicines
which help to lose weight. Such weight loss dietary supplements are popular with
those who are looking for a weight loss without making much effort. However, the
weight loss supplements may not be safe, and can cause harm to the body too. You
should consult your doctor before picking up weight loss supplement.
Are they meeting the criteria of FDA? Are they recommended by the medical
Slight weight loss is found with some products; the side effects of weight loss
supplements should also be noted. Some of the supplements are banned for usage,
due to their side effects. There are herbal weight loss supplements available.
They are insufficient regarding their efficiency for weight loss. Some of these
products are ginseng, conjugated linoleic acid, green tea, glucomannan and l-carnitine
and pyruvate. Herbal weight loss supplements are discouraged strongly due to the
drastic increase in blood pressure and heart problems by use of such
supplements. Supplements can cause hypertension, arrhythmias stroke and
myocardial infarction.
What are the risks of supplements?
Advertisement of these supplements is misleading. You also waste your money. The
supplements can be unsafe to your health. Some of these supplements can
stimulate or suppress hunger. These food compounds are limited in dose. But if
you extract them and put them inside a pill in concentrated form they can be
problematic for your health.
What are the popular supplements available in the market today?
There are several types of healthy weight loss supplements available. Some of
the common weight loss supplements include: transdermal fat loss gels,
thermogenic fat burners, carb blockers, appetite suppressants, stimulant-free
fat burners, fat blockers, thyroid hormone increasers and cortisol blockers.
The supplements those increase the energy expenditure are country mallow,
ephedra, bitter orange and guarana. The supplements those increase the distaste
are guar gum, glucomannan and psyllium.
Unintentional Weight Loss The supplement that blocks dietary fat absorption
is known as chitosan. The supplements those reduce fat synthesis are l-carnitine,
hydroxycitric, licorice, vitamin b5 and acid green tea.
Weight loss supplements can be effective if they are combined with proper
exercising and diet plan under medical supervision. However, long term effects
of these supplements are unknown. So, think twice before going for a supplement.

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